Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I Have a Vision

I have a vision that a revolution of the soul begins and a whisper is sent across the fields and over the mountains and nestles into the hearts of little girls in every country and in every clime and place in the world. The girls hear it and it coats their soul like melted chocolate and ignites a spark of knowing – a re-membering.

Once heard, felt and tasted these girls are changed and cannot go back. The song keeps traveling around the world gaining momentum and gathering into one vibration that cannot be ignored. Through this vibration the girls of the world discover their innate freedom and power within and they carefully, wisely and audaciously shift the course of civilization.

Some move more quickly and are punished but they wouldn’t and couldn’t have acted any other way. These girls are the trail-blazers – the warriors – they sacrifice their safety and their lives for the millions that will follow.

Most of the girls are more subtly and in their slow yet deliberate change, people begin to treat them differently without being conscious of why.

It is all done with love, gratitude and forgiveness – love and gratitude for one’s self first and foremost. And forgiveness for not realizing the immense power that each of us holds. This is the message the song contains. It is powerful beyond measure.

In my vision the song continues to be sung as it travels around the world joined by the stars, the moon and the sun. This song can be heard only by the heart. The animals and the whales on this planet carry this song along as well. For they know it is in these girls that the world will become whole again. In the balance of the masculine and feminine there will be light and healing. Everything will come to balance once again with this song.

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